
Model animation file format

File extension: .csmodelanim

Offset Type Size (octets) Description
0 UInt8 1 Asset type (always 6 for Model Animations)
1 UInt16 2 Format version (currently 3)
3 UInt16 2 Animation duration (in frames)
5 Boolean 1 Hold last key frame
6 UInt16 2 Animated node count
8 ModelNodeAnimation[] (variable) Array of model node animations (see below)

Model node animation

Offset Type Size (octets) Description
0 C# String (variable) Model node name
? UInt16 2 Position keyframe count
? + 2 ModelNodeKeyFrame[] (variable) Array of position keyframes
? + 2 + ? UInt16 2 Orientation keyframe count
? + 2 + ? + 2 ModelNodeKeyFrame[] (variable) Array of orientation keyframes
? + 2 + ? + 2 + ? UInt16 2 Block size keyframe count
? + 2 + ? + 2 + ? + 2 ModelNodeKeyFrame[] (variable) Array of block size keyframes
? + 2 + ? + 2 + ? + 2 + ? UInt16 2 Pivot offset keyframe count
? + 2 + ? + 2 + ? + 2 + ? + 2 ModelNodeKeyFrame[] (variable) Array of pivot offset keyframes
? + 2 + ? + 2 + ? + 2 + ? + 2 + ? UInt16 2 Scale keyframe count
? + 2 + ? + 2 + ? + 2 + ? + 2 + ? + 2 ModelNodeKeyFrame[] (variable) Array of scale keyframes

Model node key frame

Offset Type Size (octets) Description
0 UInt16 2 Key time index
2 UInt8 1 Interpolation mode (currently ignored)
3 (variable) (variable) Key frame value

The key frame value type depends on the type of key frame:

Key frame type Value type
Position Float32[3] (vector XYZ)
Orientation Float32[4] (quaternion WXYZ)
Block size Int32[3] (vector XYZ)
Pivot offset Float32[3] (vector XYZ)
Scale Float32[3] (vector XYZ)