
CraftStudio.Input API


-- Returns a number
CS.Input.GetAxisValue( --[[ axis name ]] )

Returns the specified axis’ numerical value.

The value will be in the (-1, 1) range unless it’s a mouse move value, in which case its the mouse’s delta in pixels since the last frame.

Game controls can be defined in the project’s Administration tab.


-- Returns a boolean
CS.Input.IsButtonDown( --[[ button name ]] )

Returns true if the specified button is currently pressed, false otherwise.

Game controls can be defined in the project’s Administration tab.

CraftStudio.Input.WasButtonJustPressed, CraftStudio.Input.WasButtonJustReleased

-- Returns a boolean
CS.Input.WasButtonJustPressed( --[[ button name ]] )
-- Returns a boolean
CS.Input.WasButtonJustReleased( --[[ button name ]] )

Returns true if the specified button was pressed (or released) during the last tick (1/60th of a second), false otherwise.


CraftStudio.Input.SetMouseVisible( --[[ true or false ]] )

Defines whether the mouse cursor should be visible or not while in the game’s window.

Calls to this function while the mouse is locked will be ignored.



Hides the mouse cursor and locks it inside the game’s window. Useful for games that use the mouse for looking around like first-person shooters.



Unlocks the mouse after it has been locked with CraftStudio.Input.LockMouse.


-- Returns a table

Returns a table with properties .x and .y containing the mouse position in pixels. x=0 is left, y=0 is top.

You probably don’t want to call this function after the mouse has been locked with CraftStudio.Input.LockMouse as the hidden mouse will be kept in the center of the window. See CraftStudio.Input.GetMouseDelta instead.


-- Returns a table

Returns a table with properties .x and .y containing the mouse offset since last frame in pixels. x=0 is left, y=0 is top. Positive x is right, positive y is bottom.

This function is particularly useful for implementing mouse look after calling CraftStudio.Input.LockMouse.

Example: Basic first-person mouse look

-- Camera script
function Behavior:Awake()
    self.angleX = 0
    self.angleY = 0

function Behavior:Update()
    local mouseDelta = CS.Input.GetMouseDelta()
    -- Horizontal mouse delta corresponds to a rotation around the Y axis (left / right)
    self.angleY = self.angleY - 0.2 * mouseDelta.x
    -- Vertical mouse delta corresponds to a rotation around the X axis (up / down)
    self.angleX = self.angleX - 0.2 * mouseDelta.y

    -- Prevent rotating too far up or down
    self.angleX = math.clamp( self.angleX, -45, 45 )

    self.gameObject.transform:SetLocalEulerAngles( Vector3:New( self.angleX, self.angleY, 0 ) )


CS.Input.OnTextEntered( --[[ function to call when text is entered ]] )

Sets up the function to be called whenever the player enters a character through the keyboard.

Once you don’t want your function to be called anymore, call CS.Input.OnTextEntered( nil ) to reset the handler.

You can use string.byte to convert the character into its ASCII numerical value. This is useful for special characters like the Return key (13) or the Backspace key (8).

Example: Printing each character typed by the player

CS.Input.OnTextEntered( function( character )
  local charNumber = string.byte(char)

  -- Characters from 0 to 31 are control / non-printable characters
  if charNumber >= 32 then
      print( character )
  elseif charNumber == 13 then
      print( "The Return key was pressed" )
  elseif charNumber == 8 then
      print( "The Backspace key was pressed" )
end )