
CraftStudio.Network API

Network play in CraftStudio

Networking lets you make your games work over the Internet so that they can be played together by multiple players. Although made as simple as possible, networking will likely affect most aspects of your game so it’s best to build it in along with your game rather than as an afterthought.

See also the NetworkSync component documentation.

Technical details

Networking in CraftStudio uses the UDP protocol for communication.


CS.Network.Server.Start( --[[ port (number, defaults to CS.Network.DefaultPort) ]] )

Starts accepting connections on the specified port number (defaults to CS.Network.DefaultPort which has a value of 4233).

You’ll need to manually connect to your server locally with CS.Network.Connect (passing “” as the hostname) if you want to treat your local game as just another network player.

This is a server-side function.



Disconnects all players and stops listening to incoming connections.

This is a server-side function.


CS.Network.Connect( --[[ hostname (String) ]] , --[[ port (Number) (Default CS.Network.DefaultPort) ]], --[[ callback (Function) (Default nil) )

Opens a connection to the specified hostname (or IP) on the specified port number.

When the connection has been established, the specified callback function will be called.

This is a client-side function.



Closes any open connection.

This won’t call your OnDisconnected handler.

This is a client-side function.


CS.Network.OnDisconnected( --[[ callback (Function) ]] )

Defines which function to call (if any) when a disconnection happens. You can pass nil to disable it.

This is a client-side function.


CS.Network.Server.OnPlayerJoined( --[[ callback (function) ]] )

Defines which function to call (if any) when a player has joined. You can pass nil to disable it.

The callback will be passed a table containing player info with the following keys:

This is a server-side function.

Example: Printing the player’s ID when they join

function PlayerJoinHandler( player )
    print( "Player with ID " .. .. " has joined!" )


CS.Network.Server.OnPlayerLeft( --[[ callback (function) ]] )

Defines which function to call (if any) when a player has left (or been disconnected). You can pass nil to disable it.

The callback will be passed the disconnected player’s ID.

This is a server-side function.

Example: Printing the player’s ID when they leave

function PlayerLeftHandler( playerId )
    print( "Player with ID " .. playerId .. " has left!" )


CS.Network.Server.DisconnectPlayer( --[[ playerId (Number) ]], --[[ reason (String) (Default "") ]] )

Disconnects the specified player, optionally specifying a reason as text that will be passed to the player’s OnDisconnected handler.

This is a server-side function.


CS.Network.RegisterMessageHandler( --[[ handler (function) ]], --[[ side (CS.Network.MessageSide) ]] )

Registers a function as callable on the players (client-side) or the server (server-side). Message handler functions must be registered before they can be used to respond to messages.

Possible values for the second parameter are CS.Network.MessageSide.ServerCS.Network.MessageSide.Players or CS.Network.MessageSide.Any.

Example: Registering a server message handler

function Behavior:DoSomethingFun( data, playerId )
    print( "Got a DoSomethingFun message from player with ID " .. playerId )
CS.Network.RegisterMessageHandler( Behavior.DoSomethingFun, CS.Network.MessageSide.Players )