
GameObject API

GameObject.transform & co


Those aren’t functions (so you don’t need to call them with parentheses), they are properties that contain the object’s first component for a particular type.

As such, self.gameObject.modelRenderer is a shorthand for self.gameObject:GetComponent( "ModelRenderer" )

Example: Printing an object’s position

function Behavior:Update()
    local pos = self.gameObject.transform:GetPosition()
    print( pos )


-- Returns a table
GameObject:GetComponent( --[[ component type ]] )

Returns the game object’s (first) component of the specified type (or nil if none were found).

Valid component type strings are: “Transform”, “Camera”, “ModelRenderer”, “MapRenderer”, “ScriptedBehavior” and “Physics”.


-- Returns a Component
GameObject:CreateComponent( --[[ component type ]] )

Creates a new component. The component type can be any of: “ModelRenderer”, “MapRenderer”, “Camera” or “Physics”.

To create scripted behaviors, use GameObject:CreateScriptedBehavior


-- Returns a ScriptedBehavior
GameObject:GetScriptedBehavior( --[[ Script asset ]] )

Returns the scripted behavior component (aka. script instance) with the specified script.

To find scripts, you can use CraftStudio.FindAsset.


-- Returns a ScriptedBehavior component
GameObject:CreateScriptedBehavior( --[[ Script asset to use ]], --[[ table of property default values (optional) ]] )

Creates a new ScriptedBehavior component. To find scripts, you can use CraftStudio.FindAsset.

You can optionally pass a table of properties to add to the newly created scripted behavior. The properties will be added to the scripted behavior’s self object before Awake is called on it so it’s useful for customizing a scripted behavior’s initialization.

Example: Create a new scripted behavior on an existing object

local obj = CS.FindGameObject( "Some object" )
local scriptToUse = CS.FindAsset( "Some script" )

obj:CreateScriptedBehavior( scriptToUse, { Health=10, Ammo=3 } )

GameObject:GetName, GameObject:SetName

-- Returns a string
GameObject:SetName( --[[ new game object's name ]] )

Gets or sets the game object’s name.

GameObject:GetParent, GameObject:SetParent

-- Returns a GameObject

GameObject:SetParent( --[[ new parent GameObject ]], --[[ keep local transform (true or false) (optional) ]] )

Gets or sets the game object’s parent. GetParent returns nil if the game object has no parent.

SetParent can optionally carry over the game object’s local transform instead of the global one if true is passed as the second parameter.


GameObject:FindChild( --[[ GameObject name ]], --[[ recursive (true or false) (optional) ]] )

Look for a child game object with the specified name, optionally looking for all descendants instead of just immediate children.


-- Returns a numerically-indexed table

Returns the list of all direct children for the game object.

Example: Count direct children

local children = self.gameObject:GetChildren()
print( self.gameObject:GetName() .. " has " .. #children .. " children" )


GameObject:SendMessage( --[[ method name ]], --[[ data table (optional) ]] )

Tries to call a method with the specified name on all the scripted behaviors attached to the game object.

The data argument can be nil or a table you want the method to receive as its first (and only) argument. If none of the scripted behaviors attached to the game object have a method matching the specified name, nothing happens.

Example: Sending a basic message

Receiver script:

function Behavior:SayHi( data )
    print( "Hi " .. .. "!" )

Sender script:

CS.FindGameObject( "some object" ):SendMessage( "SayHi", { name="CraftStudio" } )