
Map asset API


Returns A block ID between 0-254 if a block exists at the given location (all valid block IDs are in the range 0-254), otherwise If there is no block at the given location then it will return Map.EmptyBlockID (which has a value of 255).

-- Returns number
Map:GetBlockIDAt( --[[ x (Number) ]], --[[ y (Number) ]], --[[ z (Number) ]] )


Returns The block orientation of the block at the specified location, otherwise if there is no block at the given location it will return Map.BlockOrientation.North.

-- Returns BlockOrientation
Map:GetBlockOrientationAt( --[[ x (Number) ]], --[[ y (Number) ]], --[[ z (Number) ]] )

Map.BlockOrientation Enumeration

This enumeration is used to define the direction a block is facing. When creating a block, each “face” of the block is assigned to a specific direction.

Possible values:


Sets a block’s ID and block orientation at the given position on the map.

 Map:SetBlockAt( --[[ x (Number) ]], --[[ y (Number) ]], --[[ z (Number) ]], --[[ block id (Number) ]], --[[ orientation (BlockOrientation) ]] )

Example: Setting and Getting a block ID

function Behavior:Awake()
    local map = self.gameObject:GetComponent ("MapRenderer"):GetMap()
    -- We set the block at 5, 5, 5 to block ID 0
    map:SetBlockAt (5, 5, 5, 0, Map.BlockOrientation.East)
    -- We get the block ID at 5, 5, 5 which is 0
    local blockID = map:GetBlockIDAt (5, 5, 5)
    print (blockID)
    -- Outputs: 0


GetPathInPackage returns the full path of a map in the form of “Folder/Sub-folder/Asset name”. For an example, see Map.LoadFromPackage.

-- Returns path of map


LoadFromPackage loads a new copy of the map asset at the specified path. It’s useful if you want to load a map from its original, saved state. You can destroy the new map later on by calling CraftStudio.Destroy on it.

Loading data from the game package might involve downloading or disk access so it is an asynchronous operation: once the asset is ready, the specified function will be called back with the new asset as its only parameter.

-- Loads a map asynchronously
Map.LoadFromPackage( --[[ path of map in game package (string) ]], --[[ callback function ]] )

Example: Replacing a map with the original version in a map renderer

function Behavior:Awake()
    -- Get the currently displayed map
    local mapRndr = self.gameObject:GetComponent( "MapRenderer" )
    local mapPath = mapRndr:GetMap():GetPathInPackage()
    -- Load a copy of the original version from the game package
    Map.LoadFromPackage( mapPath, function( newMap )
        -- Display the newly loaded version of the map
        mapRndr:SetMap( newMap )
    end )