
ModelRenderer component API

ModelRenderer:GetModel, ModelRenderer:SetModel

-- Returns a Model
ModelRenderer:SetModel( --[[ model asset to display ]], --[[ clear animation (optional default=true) ]] )

Gets or sets the displayed model. You can get a model to display with CraftStudio.FindAsset.

Example: Set the model displayed by a model renderer

local modelToDisplay = CS.FindAsset( "A model asset", "Model" )

local modelRndr = CS.FindGameObject( "An object with a model renderer" ).modelRenderer
modelRndr:SetModel( modelToDisplay )

ModelRenderer:GetAnimation, ModelRenderer:SetAnimation

-- Returns an Animation
ModelRenderer:SetAnimation( --[[ ModelAnimation asset ]] )

Gets or sets the current animation for this model. It will start playing right away unless you called ModelRenderer:StopAnimationPlayback.

You can get animations to use with SetAnimation by calling CraftStudio.FindAsset.


-- Returns duration in seconds

Gets the current animation’s duration in seconds. You can multiply the returned number by 30 to get the number of frames.


ModelRenderer:StartAnimationPlayback( --[[ true or false (optional, defaults to true) ]] )

Starts animation playback (provided it was stopped earlier with ModelRenderer:StopAnimationPlayback) or changes the way an animation plays back. Pass false to disable looping.



Stops animation playback.


-- Returns the current animation time in seconds
ModelRenderer:SetAnimationTime( --[[ time in seconds ]] )

Gets or sets the current animation time in seconds.

You could call ModelRenderer:StopAnimationPlayback and then use SetAnimationTime to move forward / backward in time in a script.

Model animations are stored at 30 frames per second. This means you can skip to the 3rd frame on an animation by using ModelRenderer:SetAnimationTime( 3 / 30 ) for instance.


-- Returns a boolean

Returns true if an animation is currently playing.

ModelRenderer:GetOpacity, ModelRenderer:SetOpacity

-- Returns a number
ModelRenderer:SetOpacity( --[[ opacity ]] )

Gets or sets the model renderer’s opacity (between 0.0 and 1.0)


-- Returns a table
ModelRenderer:GetBlockTransform( --[[ block name ]] )

Returns a table with .position and .orientation keys containing the specified model block’s current position and orientation.

This method is useful for making a weapon or tool follow an animated arm for instance.