

The Ray class can be used to check for intersection of a ray with a particular model, map or plane.


-- Returns the Ray
Ray:New( --[[ position (Vector3) ]], --[[ direction (Vector3) ]] )

Returns a new ray.


-- Returns number or nil
Ray:IntersectsPlane( --[[ plane (Plane) ]] )

Returns the distance of intersection of the ray with the specified Plane (or nil if there is no intersection).


-- Returns number or nil and Vector3 or nil
Ray:IntersectsModelRenderer( --[[ model renderer (ModelRenderer) ]] )

Returns the distance of intersection of the ray with the specified ModelRenderer (or nil if there is no intersection) and the normal of the hit face.

Example: Computing the hit position

-- Setup a ray pointing forward
local ray = Ray:New( self.gameObject.transform:GetPosition(), Vector3.Transform( Vector3:New( 0, 0, -1 ), self.gameObject.transform:GetOrientation() ) )

-- Assuming we have a model renderer component in "modelRndr", let's cast our ray
local distance = ray:IntersectsModelRenderer( modelRndr )

-- Check if we got a hit
if distance ~= nil then
    -- Compute the position of the hit using the distance and print it
    local hitPosition = ray.position + ray.direction * distance
    print( "Hit at " .. hitPosition )


--returns distance, normal, hitBlockLocation and adjacentBlockLocation or all nil
Ray:IntersectsMapRenderer( --[[ map renderer (MapRenderer) ]])

Returns the distance of intersection of the ray with the specified MapRenderer (or nil if there is no intersection). Additional return values are the normal of the hit face, and the locations in the map of the hit and adjacent map blocks.

Warning: If your ray is at the exact intersection of two map blocks, it will not reliably return the hit distance. As a workaround, you can try avoiding perfectly aligned rays or shooting precisely between two blocks. This should be fixed in a future update.

Example: Computing the hit position

-- Setup a ray pointing forward
local ray = Ray:New( self.gameObject.transform:GetPosition(), Vector3.Transform( Vector3:New( 0, 0, -1 ), self.gameObject.transform:GetOrientation() ) )

-- Assuming we have a map renderer component in "mapRndr", let's cast our ray
local distance, normal, blockPos, adjBlockPos = ray:IntersectsMapRenderer( mapRndr)

-- Check if we got a hit
if distance ~= nil then
    -- Compute the position of the hit using the distance and print it
    local hitPosition = ray.position + ray.direction * distance
    print( "Hit at ", hitPosition )
    print( "Hitted BlockPos ", blockPos)


--returns number or nil and Vector3 or nil
Ray:IntersectsTextRenderer( --[[ text renderer (TextRenderer) ]])

Returns the distance of intersection of the ray with the specified TextRenderer (or nil if there is no intersection) and the normal of the hit face.