
Physics component API

Setting the gravity

The gravity force isn’t a property of each body, it’s global, so you can set it using CraftStudio.Physics.SetGravity.


Physics:SetBodyType( --[[ body type (BodyType) ]] )

Sets up the body’s type. Possible values:

Physics:SetupAsBox, Physics:SetupAsSphere, Physics:SetupAsCapsule, Physics:SetupAsMap

Physics:SetupAsBox( --[[ size (Vector3) ]] )
Physics:SetupAsSphere( --[[ radius (number) ]] )
Physics:SetupAsCapsule( --[[ radius (number) ]], --[[ height (number) ]] )
Physics:SetupAsMap( --[[ Map asset (MapAsset) ]], --[[ TileSet to use (optional) (TileSetAsset) ]] )

Sets up the body’s shape.

Physics:GetMass, Physics:SetMass

-- Returns the mass as a number
Physics:SetMass( --[[ mass (number) ]] )

Gets or sets the body’s mass.

Only makes sense on Dynamic bodies.

Physics:ApplyForce, Physics:ApplyImpulse

Physics:ApplyForce( --[[ force (Vector3) ]], --[[ relative position (Vector3) (optional) ]] )
Physics:ApplyImpulse( --[[ impulse (Vector3) ]], --[[ relative position (Vector3) (optional) ]] )

Applies the specified force or impulse on the body. If ‘‘relative position’’ is nil, then a central force / impulse is applied by default.

A force modifies the body’s acceleration (which in turns affects the object’s velocity over time).

An impulse modifies the body’s velocity directly.

Only works on Dynamic bodies.

Physics:ApplyTorque, Physics:ApplyTorqueImpulse

Physics:ApplyTorque( --[[ torque (Vector3) ]] )
Physics:ApplyTorqueImpulse( --[[ impulse (Vector3) ]] )

Applies the specified torque or torque impulse on the body. If relative position is nil, then a central force / impulse is applied by default.

A torque modifies the body’s angular acceleration (which in turns affects the object’s angular velocity over time).

An impulse modifies the body’s angular velocity directly.

Only works on Dynamic bodies.

Physics:WarpPosition, Physics:OffsetPosition

Physics:WarpPosition( --[[ position (Vector3) ]] )
Physics:OffsetPosition(  --[[ offset (Vector3) ]] )

Teleports or offsets the body to/by the specified position/offset. Especially useful for moving around kinematic bodies (moving platforms in a platformer, opening doors & so on)

Works on Dynamic and Kinematic bodies.

(Physics:WarpPosition was previously called Physics:Teleport but has been renamed for consistency)

Physics:WarpEulerAngles / Physics:WarpOrientation / Physics:OffsetEulerAngles / Physics:OffsetOrientation

Physics:WarpEulerAngles( --[[ euler Angles (Vector3) ]] )
Physics:WarpOrientation( --[[ orientation (Quaternion) ]] )
Physics:OffsetEulerAngles( --[[ euler Angles offset (Vector3) ]] )
Physics:OffsetOrientation( --[[ orientation offset (Quaternion) ]] )

WarpEulerAngles / WarpOrientation sets the object’s orientation.

OffsetEulerAngles / OffsetOrientation applies the specified Euler angles / orientation as an offset to its current orientation.

Works on Dynamic and Kinematic bodies.

Physics:GetLinearVelocity, Physics:SetLinearVelocity

-- Returns a Vector3
Physics:SetLinearVelocity( --[[ velocity (Vector3) ]] )

Returns or sets the body’s linear velocity.

Only makes sense on Dynamic bodies.

Physics:GetAngularVelocity, Physics:SetAngularVelocity

-- Returns a Vector3
Physics:SetAngularVelocity( --[[ velocity (Vector3) ]] )

Returns or sets the body’s angular velocity.

Only makes sense on Dynamic bodies.

Physics:SetFreezePosition, Physics:SetFreezeRotation

Physics:SetFreezePosition( --[[ x (Boolean) ]], --[[ y (Boolean) ]], --[[ z (Boolean) ]] )
Physics:SetFreezeRotation( --[[ x (Boolean) ]], --[[ y (Boolean) ]], --[[ z (Boolean) ]] )

Sets whether object’s position / orientation is fixed around each axis.

Only makes sense on Dynamic bodies.

Example: Freezing an object’s rotation entirely

self.gameObject.physics:SetFreezeRotation( true, true, true )

##Physics:GetFriction, Physics:SetFriction

-- Returns number
Physics:SetFriction( --[[ friction (number) ]] )

Returns or sets the body’s friction as a number, 0 being no friction (very slippery) and 1 being high friction (very sticky). Default friction value for newly-created bodies is 1.

##Physics:GetAnisotropicFriction, Physics:SetAnisotropicFriction

-- Returns Vector3
Physics:SetAnisotropicFriction( --[[ friction (Vector3) ]] )

Returns or sets the body’s anisotropic friction.

Anisotropic basically means “not the same on all axes”. By default, anisotropic friction is disabled (friction is the same on all axes).

Example: No vertical friction

-- Sets the overall friction coefficient
self.gameObject.physics:SetFriction( 0.5 )
 -- Disable friction on the Y axis (vertically)
self.gameObject.physics:SetAnisotropicFriction( Vector3:New( 1, 0, 1 ) )